impact measurement

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I can help you at any point in your impact measurement journey.

To harness the power of impact measurement and realise its benefits, you need:

  • Quality data

  • Clear and useful analysis

  • Accessible reporting on impact measurement results

  • Stakeholder involvement at every point of the impact measurement journey

I use a knowledge to action framework to embed these in my work and to monitor its quality. Accessibility, inclusiveness and ethics are priorities for me.

What step are you up to in your impact measurement journey and how can I help you?

Contact me for more information about the options below.



Step 1: Get Board & staff buy in

Not everyone is convinced that impact measurement is worthwhile, and some people have never heard of it.

Make the case for investment in impact measurement with a tailored and professional report detailing the benefits of impact measurement for your organisation. The report can be presented in the format that best suits the communications needs of your unique stakeholders. I can also deliver the report face-to-face through presentations, forums and workshops.



Step 2: Describe the change you want to see

You know your work is making a difference, but struggle to articulate how.

Unearthing this story is a collaborative process, involving many stakeholders - clients, staff, your Board, funders, practitioners and more. I can facilitate this process and document it in a program logic and/or theory of change. This will help tell the story of your impact to funders, and be a guide for strategic and operational decision-making.



Step 3: Identify the data you already have

You have been collecting data for years, but you aren’t sure how much you have, where it all is and if it is useful.

In collaboration with your staff, I can do an inventory of the data your organisation holds. This process will identify the data you already have available, assess if it meets your impact measurement needs and show you how to get the most out of it.



Step 4: Develop an impact measurement framework

Don’t have the money to spend on dedicated research staff? Frontline staff too busy to take on more work?

Together with you and your stakeholders, I can develop an impact measurement framework that identifies the data you need to tell your impact story and shows how this can become part of your normal work practice.



Step 5: Design data collection tools & start collecting data

To get good quality data, you need robust data collection tools and processes.

Once you understand the data you need, I can develop data collection tools and collect data so you can start reporting on your impact.



Step 6: Look at what the data is telling you

You have all the data, now you need to understand what it is saying.

I can analyse your data so that it makes sense to everyone in your organisation and can be communicated to your external stakeholders.



Step 7: Tell the story

communicating results is one of the most critical steps in the impact measurement journey

Too many research reports are technical and complex, and some are simply unattractive! When this happens it doesn’t matter how good the research is - not many people will read it and you never realise the value of your investment.

Good impact measurement reporting responds to the communication needs and preferences of your stakeholders. I can present your impact story in easy to understand and well designed formats such as reports, presentations, interactive dashboards and workshops.



Step 8: Use the research

Data is great, but it doesn’t make a difference if it’s not used.

Together with staff, I can develop a plan for implementing the research results. This will get better results for your organisation and clients, build a culture of evidence-based decision making in your organisation and help you realise an ROI from your investment in impact measurement.



Step 9: Make it business as usual

Want staff to do impact measurement without even realising it?

Through workshops and mentoring, I can develop your in-house capacity to undertake quality impact measurement work.